Autumn 2022
Please check back regularly to share our exciting learning journey at school.
Autumn 1
This term, we focused on the history of Ancient Egypt, and in connection to that, we looked at a text titled ‘Egyptian Cinderella’. We got into groups to act out and retell the story. We also created a freeze-frame to summarise each part of the story. We thought about how the characters may feel or act.
In addition, we described a character using similes and adjectives to enhance our writing. In RE, we described the meta-narrative of the Bible and asked big questions like how did God create the world in a few days? In Maths, we have been regrouping three-digit numbers in a variety of ways. We used resources, drew pictures and recorded number sentences. We also continued to develop an understanding of the place value of 3-digit numbers and solved problems to demonstrate our understanding. In History, we described why ancient Egyptians made mummies and explained the mummification process.
Autumn 2
In English, we wrote non-chronological reports, on a double-page spread, based on our class text ‘The Scarab Secret’. We also learned how to use speech marks correctly and write newspaper reports. In Maths, we learned about measuring and converting lengths, while also using column addition skills to add various lengths together.
Furthermore, we identified fractions and used money. As part of our cross-curricular link between History and Art, we painted a landscape to commemorate the Remembrance season. In Science lessons, we investigated light and light sources as well as the spectrum.
It was great to find creative ways of celebrating Christmas this year. As part of the Christmas adventure week, we worked out some Christmas-inspired addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. We also created some front covers for our imaginary books and back covers with blurbs. In RE, we considered what we will give Jesus as the three wise men did, and why? The children then made presentations on what their gifts would be. We were also fortunate enough to have enough snowfall for the children to play in the snow and build snowmen. We also had our Christmas Lunch and Christmas party. We were excited to see the food, snacks and drinks on offer and we enjoyed eating and dancing together.
For our hall display, we coloured in angels and added glitter to make them look sparkling. We also cut out donkey shapes from cardboard and painted them in for our hoops.