Autumn 1
Welcome to our Year 3 class blog page.
In English, we have been reading the text ‘The Promise’. Working in groups, we looked at images of ‘hard, urban cities’ and thought of effective adjectives and similes to describe the setting. We then presented it to the class. In addition, we wrote free verse poems about cities while including a repeated line e.g in this busy city or In this overpopulated city or in this noisy city. We worked in groups and each child added their own line. While studying another text ‘The Egyptian Cinderella we looked at the actions and speech of Rhodopis and how these plays into describing her personality. We then wrote down our ideas outside and inside a human frame.
In RE we have looked at the key bible characters and stories and what can be learnt from each of them such as courage, friendship, trust, obedience etc.
In Maths, we added and subtracted 2- and 3-digit numbers from a 3-digit number. We also multiplied equal groups.