Autumn 2
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
This term, we have been interpreting the thoughts and feelings of the characters as well as describing the settings in our text ‘Egyptian Cinderella’. In science, we dissected flowering plants and identified their various parts on a paper wheel.
We have been learning about money in Maths. It was so much fun holding our role play shop, where we had to spend our money, give and collect change. Using Bee-Bot, we learnt about directions and identified angles in a turn. We then programmed the Bee-Bot to follow a set of directional instructions.
In Geography, we looked at lakes and rivers and were able to create our own river model, flowing from source to wetlands. We made it using foil and rocks, leaves, weed, back of wood, some cardboard and Sellotape. We were then able to test and see if the water will flow.
In DT we made gingerbread men. We included some maths skills of measurement and science skills on materials in the process. Our gingerbread did turn out very well shaped and scrumptious.