Religious Education
Religious Education is OUTSTANDING at BJR CofE
As a core subject within our curriculum, we ensure that pupils are given plenty of teaching and learning time each week to develop and consolidate their RE. Our pupils learn about Religion and its impact on believers, as well as the lessons we can learn from Religions; helping pupils to develop their own ethical views and moral compasses.
As per the Church of England's Statement of Entitlement, all pupils receive at least 10% of their weekly timetable as part of their RE learning. In reality, this means that all pupils study RE for a full afternoon session (usually 2 hours) per week.
- Learners develop a wide range of higher level skills (enquiry, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and reflection) to great effect through the teaching of RE. For example:
- When studying Pentecost, the Y5 class undertook independent research into the symbolism of Pentecost which included using our Vicar to analyse the information. They creatively represented these findings on banners which decorated the church during Pentecost. This went far in helping them understand the effect of religion on believers.
- When studying baptism, the Y1 class visited the local church to take part in the baptism of a teddy bear. This experience helped them to understand the symbolism, significance and ritual of baptism.
- Learners have an impressive ability to reflect upon their own personal questions of meaning and purpose. This is evidenced through discussions with pupils. For example:
- When studying the story of Joseph and his brothers, pupils were able to relate it to their own families, relationships and siblings, identifying themes of fall out and restoration, betrayal and forgiveness.
- RE books and displays are also replete with creative and original recordings of pupil’s own reflections.
- The school uses a robust system of assessment. Data is completed and collected at the end of each unit of work. All RE assessments are carried out in line with other core subjects. The subject is monitored in line with other core subjects - learning walks, book scrutinies, data drops, and reviews. Staff training in RE occurs at least once per term and teachers report progress and attainment in RE to parents in a similar way to other core subjects.
- RE has a high profile within the curriculum and forms a minimum of 10% of weekly lessons. Monitoring of planning and lesson observations show that the needs of all learners are met.
- The RE curriculum, which follows the Southwark Diocese RE Programme of Study, provides children with rich and varied opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Christian faith. Visits to the church have increased and wider educational visits enrich RE teaching, for example;
- Visits to local churches
- Regular meetings with the school's vicar (e.g. when studying specific events within the church calendar; Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Pentecost etc.)
- Visits to Southwark Cathedral
- Visits to other places of worship to support learning of word faiths.
- Teachers have responded well to CPD led by the SDBE both in school and at the Diocese. Teachers have included many additional creative aspects into their teaching following this training. The RE Lead is currently undertaking the InspiREd Course, run in partnership with the Southwark and London Diocese, to research and evaluate opportunities to increase pupils' attainment of Greater Depth.
- The RE curriculum provides children opportunities to understand and make links between beliefs and values systems of other faiths. Our curriculum facilitates pupils to draw on their previous learning and consider how believers of a previously studied faith might respond to an ethical or moral question.
- Links to the Christian values of the school impact significantly on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all learners. In our recent OFSTED inspection, it was reported that, “The emphasis on Moral and Spiritual Development contributes in no small way to the pupils’ considerate behaviour towards one another and adults.”
- Our RE Gold Quality Mark exemplifies the depth of our pupils' understanding, and we are proud to continue to strive for greater excellent in RE. We will be submitting our evidence portfolio to renew our Quality Mark in the 2023-2024 academic year.