Spring 1 – FS2
In FS2, our topic this half-term was 'Once Upon a Time.'
Spring 1
In Friendship class our topic for this half-term is Once Upon a Time.
We have been reading the books Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Pinocchio, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Snow White and Jack and the Beanstalk.
We have learnt lots in our phonics and are enjoying our daily shared reading. We have been practising to write our letters and producing the matching letters sounds. We have been reading our Shared Readers (read them at home using the phonics portal) and are working hard on our blending.
We have continued to subitise in maths and are beginning to recognise small groups of objects without counting them. We have created and continued patterns and are beginning to think about measurements.
We have learnt about things that are special to us and explored different people’s feelings.
We have continued to develop our safe use of scissors and our pencil grip.
We have developed our fine motor skills creating with play dough which we made ourselves.
We even made bird food which we will be hanging in forest school.